Graffe allo zucchero senza patate


Friggete fino a fate dorare da entrambi i lati (7), dopo scolateli su della carta assorbente e passateli  ancora caldi nello zucchero  (8,). Sistemate in un piatto da portata e servite. Buon appetito.



  • 300g all-purpose flour (farina 00);
  • 125ml milk;
  • 25g lard (strutto);
  • 25g sugar;
  • 4g dry yeast (lievito di birra secco);
  • 1 egg.



Begin the preparation of ‘graffe’ by pouring flour, dry yeast, and warm milk into a bowl and giving it a first mix (1.). Continue by adding sugar, egg, and diced lard (2). Then mix everything and knead vigorously using either a stand mixer or your hands. Knead until you get a smooth and soft dough (3.). Place it in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let it rise in a warm place for 2 hours.

After the resting time, divide the dough into small pieces (4) and shape them into balls (5), placing them on a rectangle of parchment paper. Make all the balls and let them rise again for 1 hour. Heat the oil and dip the balls with the parchment paper into the hot oil (6), removing the parchment paper.

Fry until golden on both sides (7), then drain them on paper towels and roll them while still warm in sugar (8.). Arrange on a serving plate and serve. Enjoy your meal!

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